Monday, October 24, 2011

One Year Later

It's been one year since a post on this particular blog.

An interesting thing happened today.  Interesting enough to warrant a post.

I was at the gym today (I had today off, because I worked Saturday for someone).  Did some shoulders and chest and a little bit of arms.

I asked the personal trainer guy there if he wouldn't mind checking my body fat percentage for me (I offered to pay, but he said that was not necessary). 

Here are the results:

Weight..................................256 lbs
Body Fat..............................26.5 %
Lean Body Mass..................188 lbs
Fat Mass..............................68 lbs

This is interesting, because my long-term goal has been to get to 185lbs. For anyone not following this on their own, if I were to retain my current LBM and also achieve my previous goal of 185, I'd be dead.  I'd be negative body fat.

This is actually a great thing.  This means that I'm much closer to being in a desirable body (desirable to ME, fuck you society and your shitty standards) than I'd previously thought.  Here are some new goals:

Short-term weight goal.........225 lbs
Long-term weight goal..........200 lbs

These weight goals are associated with a presumptive retention of the same level of LBM (although, an increase would not be a bad thing either).  This means the following:

At 225 lbs, I'd be about 17% body fat.  The last time I was around 17% body fat, I weighed about 187 lbs and felt fucking fantastic.

At 200 lbs, I'd be about 6% body fat, which is ludicrously ripped.  I may in fact not even want to be this low.

Here are some picture examples that I lifted from: and

30% (this is not me...none of these are me):

25% (definitely look/feel fatter than this):




So 6% may not look too good on me.  I think I'd look a little emaciated.  I guess we'll see.

Anyways, every now and then, it can be awesome to have a day in the gym that is not JUST disappointment and disgust.  FMLFTW!!!

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