Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday - Partial Deadlift

Got the itch, but was running short on time as I needed to get to my brother's house for dinner.  Decided to do partial deadlifts.

115 X 5
135 X 7
185 X 3
205 X 1
225 X 2
245 X 1 (began wearing wrist straps, wore them for the rest of the sets)
255 X 1
265 X 1
275 X 1
285 X 1
295 X 1

Felt great.  Sort of started to feel the strain in my lower back at 275, but took an extra minute of rest time and stretched out a little.  Felt like new!  I was worried because my back started to feel really engorged and mildly painful after the set with 135, but that went away after about 245, and it just started feeling tight and powerful, which was good for my psyche.  Someone had left a resistance band on the rack, so I stood on it and did some mock deads to try to remind myself of good form.  This actually helped quite a bit. 
After the partial deads, I left my straps on, stripped the bar down to 225 and did triples of shrugs.  Basically, I completed a partial dead to standing position, then did three shrugs.  I did this three times, for 9 total shrugs.

225 X 3
225 X 3
225 X 3

At this point, I was about 15 minutes behind schedule, so I called it a night.  Didn't have the pump that I'm used to from my past work with bodybuilding style training.  I am okay with this though, because I felt much more satisfied, like I had actually accomplished something with my time this night.  Also, it is nice to be so close to 300 on something, even if it is just partial deads.  I will try to do full deads next week and see if I can break 275.  300 would be fantastic.

Ate poorly.  Or rather, I did okay until dinner at my brother's.  Had some steak fajitas with four taco sized tortillas, some chips and salsa, some guacamole, and then a small piece of pie and a scoop of ice cream for dessert.  Also had one small piece of peanut brittle.

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